Personal Development, Simple life

Starting Afresh…..and Simply!

So I’ve had this blog for a couple of years, but found it went off track due to some really difficult life events. After struggling to blog regularly, it now feels like the right time to start again. I also decided to delete my old posts as there was a lot of personal and difficult stuff I’d written about and I’m really trying to move forward in a positive way.

So here I am, still wanting to simplify my life!! Who’d have thought wanting something to be simple would wind up being so difficult?? Ironically I think it’s something I’ve over-complicated, over-thought and made far too hard for myself! So I’ve had a good talk with myself, and have decided to try to be more realistic and less hard on myself.

My whole inspiration for this was watching the fabulous documentary Minimalism on Netflix. God it made so much sense and really hit home for me. That’s led to discovering so many other inspirational people, trying to live a less chaotic, simpler life, people like The Minimal Mom, Courtney Carver and Muchelleb.

It’s not just about getting rid of clutter, it’s that life has generally become so much more stressful for everyone! In this modern age of technology, consumerism, stressful work lives and busy homes, it’s no wonder things are so tough to manage and keep on top of!!

So where do I plan to start? For me, decluttering my house at this time of year, with everything else going on, is just too much! I really want to start with the basics, and try to build on those over the next year. I struggle to be organised, to complete my To-Do lists, keep track of everything I need to think about, want to do and need to remember. I have used so many different planning systems over the years….but never stuck with one consistently. I have notes in various notebooks, on the computer, in my phone, in my emails….I need to find a way to simplify it and keep everything in one system….so that nothing falls through the gaps.

So this is where I plan to start. I will pull together all of my ‘stuff’ from the various places it’s stored, and look into a simple planning system that will work for me!!! I’ll post next weekend with an update!! If anyone has any links or advice….feel free to share!!

4 thoughts on “Starting Afresh…..and Simply!”

  1. Totally agree with you, Clare life certainly has become overly busy for us all!
    Well done on taking the first steps planning and moving forward forward, on your new journey!
    Enjoy each step some backwards as well as forwards
    The most important things get done!!
    Maybe the rest wasnt really that important x


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